(Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)
(Registration No. 200710813D)
The Board of Directors of Cogent Holdings Limited (the “Company” or “Cogent”) wishes to
announce that SH Cogent Logistics Pte Ltd (“SH Cogent”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cogent
has entered into a joint venture agreement (“JV Agreement”) with Joint Win Container Logistics
Ltd (“JW”), a company incorporated in the British Virgin Islands, to jointly set up a new business operation and working together to offer and deliver a range of container depot services in Singapore and other regions (the “Logistics Services”).
Pursuant to the JV Agreement, the Logistics Services will be provided through a joint venture
company known as JWC Logistics Pte. Ltd. (“JWC”) which has been incorporated in Singapore.
JWC will have an issued and paid up capital of S$200,000.00 and will be owned equally
between SH Cogent and JW.
The abovementioned investment will be funded through internal resources and is not expected
to have any material impact on the Group’s earnings per share or net tangible assets per share
for the current financial year ending 31st December 2010.
None of the Directors or substantial shareholders of the Company has any interest, direct or
indirect, in the abovementioned transaction, save for their shareholdings in the Company.
On behalf of the Board
Tan Yeow Khoon
Executive Chairman and CEO
16 August 2010